Thursday, January 7, 2010

Emery Update

So, I feel I have not done my blog accurate justice by not updating on some of Emery's most recent accomplishments and activities...
She has been saying Mama and Dada to the right parent for nearly 2 months, three times has taken steps on her own, stood on top of her choo choo train with the help of the safety gate, knows the sign language for "all done," however she does it mostly in the middle of eating a veggie... so I ignore it and keep going, sometimes she waves bye bye.. even when you're clearly not leaving the room...
Emery has mastered using Jackson (our labrador) as a mountain with her as the moutain goat... he loves it though, and she is using her choo choo to scamper all over the house, she can turn it, back it up and go a different direction. All of this while chatting up a storm saying who knows what to who knows who... She is a wiggling beast that laughs and giggles all the time. Emery has been on the merry go round holding on all by herself, like a big girl. She LOVED IT! And of course we took the pictures to prove it, which are in a previous post (she's on a dolphin)!
If a toy makes noice or plays music she LOVES it as though it were a pot of gold. And the opportunity to push the button 100,000 times per hour is just all too exciting, especially while her parents are trying to have a conversation or watch TV... But she cracks us up! And we are so thankful to have her! So there you have it, she's on her way to walking, talking, and driving her parents crazy, like any little girl!

1 comment:

  1. What a big girl!! I can't believe how fast she is growing! Baby Klahn won't be able to catch up! :) She will have to lead the way...
