Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hoping for an uneventful Christmas!

Last night, Jason, Emery and I visited our local firestation to donate a toy to their "spark of love," holiday toy drive. I had never heard of this before, but my division participated as apart of our holiday party this year on campus. I loved that our local police and fire departments took toys to children that teachers and councelors had identified as underprivlaged. It wasn't a program where random people, with plenty of resources, could show up, just for the free toy.
As most of our friends and family know, last year, on Christmas Eve, we had to call 911 and the same local firefighters came to our home. Emery had a febrille seizure, something we knew nothing about, or that it was hereditary from my mother-in-law's side of the family. All we knew was that Emery had a fever for about 24 hours and it wasn't going down... after a cool bath she started shaking and turned blue. It was our first christmas together and all I could think of was that my perfect little girl was going to die on Christmas Eve. But, it turns out that these types of seizures are more common than we knew...and that when you seize, you naturally stop breathing, but begin again on your own. However, if it ever happened again, and it could, you better believe I am calling 911. It was terrifying. Even thinking about it now has me tearing up. And, with Christmas just a few days away, I can't help but think about that first Christmas. I am praying for an uneventful Christmas.
We were so thankful to the speed in which the fire fighters responded to our home, and how patient they were with me... As you can imagine, I was hysterical. Emery has so much. She is so spoiled and loved. She never goes without her hearts desire. We truly hope that our one toy will go to a child that will love it.
We decided this is going to be a new Christmas tradition for our family. We want to give back during the holidays and teach Emery to give to other children that are not as fortunate as she is. In future years we may expand our service, as she gets older and wants to try new things. I was so lucky to have a family that was passionate about service to others and lead by example. I hope to set that example for Miss Emery and instill in her a love for giving back... this is just one small way we can start that new tradition for our family now.
I am so loving the new traditions we are starting for our own family.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

When it rains... I go for a walk

21. Take a walk in the rain- done 12/19/2010

Well, since mother nature has decided to unleash herself upon long beach... I thought it was a pretty good sign that I should mark another off the 30 by 30 list. So, today, when Emery went down for a nap...Jason and I went for a walk. We went just down our street, not too far in case Miss Emery decided to wake up. But, it was so fun. I felt like a kid again. We jumped in puddles, splashed eachother, and came back soaking wet. There is something totally liberating about walking in the rain and having your neightbors question your sanity a bit. But, I am so glad we did it. And more happy that we did it together.
I know this 30 by 30 list is something that I created, but I love that Jason and I are getting to go on some of these adventures together. I'm so lucky to have a husband that is just crazy enough to take a walk in the rain, just to check something off of my list. I love you babe!

Now, for the photo evidence!

Monday, December 6, 2010

30 by 30, not so easy

So, I have to say, 4 months after posting my 30 by 30 list, I haven't really accomplished much. 1 item checked off the list.

30 by 30
13. Have an “in the moment” non-studio photo session with my family - DONE 11/7/2010We did an awesome photo shoot with my bff heather and her husband.

This is probably my favorite picture ever.

Jason and I are going away to Santa Barabara at the end of the month, just the two of us. I think we are going to do a walking urban wine tasting tour. I'll be sure to post a picture. My goal is to make myself a cute little book of all my 30 by 30 adventures. Stay tuned.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Celebrating 122 years of sisterhood.

"Let us found a society that shall be kind alike to all and think more of a girl's inner self and character than of her personal appearance."
- Sarah Ida Shaw, founder, Delta Delta Delta

Happy Founder's Day to all of my DDD sisters!

I am so thankful for my membership in DDD. Even after 8 years, I find new things that I cherish about this organization and it's members. Through DDD, I have met my husband, best friends, found learship, and rediscovered service. My DDD sisters, both from Phi Kappa and around the country have taught me about unselfish leadership, service to others, and assisting one another in every possible way.

Thank you Sarah Ida Shaw for writing our rituals, choosing our emblems, and founding an organization that brings so much joy into my life.

delta love, ladies.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

thoughts on parenting.

I woke up this morning and truly felt the need to comment on parenting. The joy, heartache, stress… the choice of parenting. I use the word “choice” on purpose. You choose this people. Now, you get to figure out how to manage it. I think there are two main ideas about parenting that I’d like to touch on…
1. I have noticed how easy it is for people to comment on parenting, or stages of parenting when they have never experienced it. I would bet that I am guilty of it myself…not only in judging my own mother, but other women around me. However, now that I am a mother, I take offense to it. It is easy to tell me what “I should or should not do” when you have never tried to keep a house, a job, your sanity, all while having the life, happiness and well-being of a tiny human in your hands. I can promise you, anyone that is happy their their CHOICE of being a parent is doing the best we can. Some days it takes all of my energy to get out of bed and get some type of outfit on, so please don’t judge me. I had a friend recently tell me that she was shocked when people could not control their toddler in a restaurant. She is a mother, of a very tiny infant. This is so easy to say when your bundle of joy will sleep through an entire meal in a restaurant without so much as a peep. When she doesn’t need attention or reassurance, or isn’t struggling to get their food on their fork. As the mother of a toddler, I can tell you when they get frustrated sometimes they only understand how to communicate loudly. Have you ever tried to REASON with a toddler? Yes, Emery is rather smart, but negotiation isn’t really one of her strong suits yet. Here’s where good parenting comes in… Jason and I have come to truly enjoy home cooked meals, or take out. Yes, toddlers are going to scream and cry sometimes, but I don’t have to take them to a restaurant. And if we CHOOSE to do so, we have the responsibility to get up from our meal and take her outside. Or leave. I think my main point here is that if you don’t know what it is like to stay up all night, get pooped and peed on…and cry right along with your baby because you are so tired, please don’t judge me. I am doing the best I can. And, in return, I will do my best to keep my child from ruining your meal. I swear.
2. I think the biggest challenge I have faced as a parent is consistancy. It might as well be a 4 letter word. Recently, I found myself telling Emery she can not, under any cirmcumstances put a blankey over her head and walk around growling like a monster. Why? Because she has fallen several times in recent days and hurt herself. However, two weeks ago it was so cute and we all laughed and giggled at her silliness. I might find myself laughing in another two weeks, because let’s be honest, she’s the cutest monster ever. It is so hard to keep consistant on anything: bedtime, eating, saying please, and picking up toys. It is exhuasting spending every moment of your day trying to do the same thing you did the day before to maintain some consistancy. Sometimes it’s just easier to let her go to bed with toys all over the floor. Or to pick them up myself. I struggle with this, maybe more than anything.
Finally, I can tell you that Emery did not come with a manual when she was born. I did not immediately have a clue what I was doing when the doctor handing her to me. I’m figuring it out as I go along. I take when I learned and loved from my family, and adding things I feel are important. Sometimes these things change. As Emery grows and changes and we see her personality, we have to change how we parent. She is sensitive, but willful. She requires endless patience, consistency, and compassion. Jason and I had certainly talked about how we wanted to parent, but there is nothing like figuring it out as you go and based on your child’s needs and your own needs.
I think every mother is asking for a little patience and compassion from those around them. Please don’t judge me, but offer to hold the door open when I’m carrying my toddler, diaper bag, and 10 grocery bags. Understand that yes, I might be crabby, there is a good chance I only slept 3 hours last night, all of which had a heavy toddler kicking me in the face. I love my baby. I know she is my responsibility, not yours. Give me a break. Have a little patience. Know that I am doing the best I can.

Monday, November 8, 2010

in the spirit of thankfulness...

I have to say, this fall has been so busy I simply haven't had an opportunity to put enough thoughts together to share an update on our family. I can say that this has probably been the best fall we have ever had as a family. Jason has finally come home! He started an amazing new career that brings him home every night to our family. Having my partner back to share in the daily chores and joys of our live is more amazing than I could have thought. Emery has happier than ever. She loves taking walks with daddy, playing in the yard, bath time... everything seems to be more fun for her these days. And, I have such a signifigant drop in stress in my life with more sleep, less tantrums, yummier dinners... Who knew the effects of getting a new job could be so signifigant?

I have to say, this journey of being without my husband, then raising our daughter alone has not been easy. But, it was made much easier with the help of the most amazing friends and family. I'm so lucky to have a family that loves having me pack up a bag and show up at their door (occasionally unannounced) to stay the evening. Thank you for that Mom, Ed, Grandma, Jennifer, and Madison. I love that Emery and Madison have that time in the evening to laugh, play, and sometimes fight. Seeing my daughter and my niece love eachother so strongly is truly amazing. They have a built in best friend. And,that gives me time to spend with my sister. Who is my sounding board and therapist. We have been through a lifetime of laughter and fights that so reminds me of our girls. I'm so glad that we have eachother, and so do they. Mom, Ed, Grandma...the best baby sitters ever! How could I have kept my sanity without having a place to leave my girl for a few hours here and there. In fact, she often has more fun with you than me. I guess what are grandparents for than to pump you kids full of sugar, let then run around like crazy monsters getting filthy, and then sending them home happy, and exhausted.

In the spirit of fall and thanksgiving... I have to continue in thanking my friends. As really the first one to get married and start a family... I am so thankful for my best friends who have shared in my joy, heartache, and the craziness that is my life. Your support, laughter, friendship and for my DDDs.. your sisterhood. I have to say, I would rather have 5 really amazing friends than 20 kinda friends. I know you have my back and you know I'd do anything for you... like wait overnight in waiting room waiting for you to deliver a baby (thats a shout out to you kacie). I love you! You know who you are!

Finally to my husband. Thank you for putting your family first, always. For making sure I stay sane and that we have such a great lifestyle. For valuing date nights, and my sleep. For making breakfast on the weekend. For taking over bath time. For i love you emails for no reason...and stopping by the office just for a hug. And of course, for giving me the most amazing little girl in the world. She is sassy, smart, and everything I could have ever asked for.


And because I could never forget fabulous pictures of the ones I love....

Friday, September 24, 2010

FALLing in love.

Offically, finally... fall is here! I don't have any new pictures to share.. not that we haven't taken any, but that I haven't had time to upload them. We have had an amazing and very busy few weeks.
We camped.
We went to Nashville.
I had Tri Delta recruitment
We went to the river.
Jason got a new job that will bring him HOME!
We spent a lot of time with friends and family and continue to feel more thankful each day. We have surrounded ourselves with amazing people. People who love us and who love our little girl.

We just got back from Nashville this week. I belong in Nashville. Clearly I was born in the wrong part of the country. I love southern values. I love downtown Nashville. I love that there are so many colleges and universities. I love the "berbs" of Nashville. I love that the titans are there...and that makes Jason happy. We had an amazing time with our friends the Klans. Honestly, Emery cried for 2 days after we left. I think she was mourning the city. But, my ENTIRE family is here, so here we stay. For now. I would love to end up there.

our fall is already filling up. BBQs with friends, pumpking patch, Oktoberfest... and a spa day for me! I am just looking forward to fall weather, fall snuggles, and fall fashion!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another summer has ended.

Labor day has come and gone. I have to admit that I love fall weather, fall clothes, and fall snuggles, but I am sad to see summer end. We had an exceptional and busy summer. It was complete with swim lessons, camping, and lots of family time. I think after a very busy spring we did our best to make time for family. It included lots of lazy Sundays and family nights in. I am so thankful for Jason and Emery. After a bad day, Emery kisses can make the world go round again. I am truly blessed with love and laughter in my home.
But, fall is here again, and with it is a hussle and bussle and we slide into the holidays. I am well over half done with my holiday shopping. We made our annual labor day trip to the river with my family. CSULB is back to school, and with it my busy Tri Delta advisory duties are in full swing. Recruitment is this weekend, and the following weekend we are off to TN to visit our very dear friends, the Klahn's. Our fall is already filling up with Mommy & Daddy Oktoberfest with friends, Pumpking Picking, and a BBQ. I am also excited to check wine tasting off my 30 by 30 list when we go to Nashville. What else will I be able to check off this fall? Any suggestions?

I have shared below our most updated family photo. We intended to have photos of Emery and my niece, Madison, taken for Grandparents day. But, we decided to take a few family shots as well. They were taken at mother's beach in LB by


Friday, August 20, 2010

Emery and Madison. How cute are their matching Jammies?!

Emery and I at the OC Fair right after we wont her the Ellllmmmoooo!

Emery loves her gold/tweed shoe set.


So, today has been a day from hell. In the middle of the night, Jaskson walked into my bedroom and woke me up with the sound of him pooping on my floor. Then, Emery kept me up for an hour at 3am. We started out the morning ok, minus the constant crying immediatly following disapline or scolding. So, we ventured off to target, where Miss Emery cried the whole time begging "up, up up!" She wanted me to pick her up. So, I gave in and did...and only when my arm was about to give out (because Emery is no skinny bones, jones) did I feel a rather warm senssaion on my side... I was getting peed on. She had a diaper on, but it leaked. This was followed by more crying. Even several fellow patrons of Target tried to help out and make silly faces to get my girl to calm down. All to no avail... but was sincerely appreciated.

I think the moral to the story here is that motherhood is harder than any woman admits to. And if we did, then the species would probably die out. Working, keeping a house, and taking care of a baby... nevermind the husband or pets... is more than any woman can truly handle. There simply are not enough hours during the day to get it all done and get an appropriate amount of sleep... so how do I deal? I love to shop. I love shoes and clothes... mostly shoes.

Why shoes? Because no matter how fat you get, they still can make a tshirt and jeans look cute. And they can make you feel good, fabulous, and sexy. So, I got myself some zebra flats yesterday, and no I don't feel guilty about it. Plus, Emery loves shoes, so it's almost like I bought her a new toy too. So there.

I love my baby. And if buying shoes and accessories helps be a better mother, then fine. I'll give into the universe and buy fabulous accessories.


Monday, August 16, 2010

26, on my way to LATE TWENTIES!

So, last week marked my 26th birthday. I was lucky enough to celebrate with some of my best friends. I am so thankful for the friends in my life that truly enrich my soul. However, since I am officially on my way to late twenties, and as I told a friend of mine, on my way to "mom jeans" I wanted to write a list of thigns to do by the time I am 30. 30 by 30, a bucket list of sorts of things to do by the big 3-0. I have friends that have done it, or something like it and it just really sounded fun. So, in the interest of full disclosure here's my list. I think it has a wonderful blend of adventure, travel, family fun, and doing things I've always wanted to do. Let me know your thoughts!

30 by 30
1. Find a fabulous pair of Green Shoes
2. Europe with Jason
3. Own a home
4. Go camping on the beach
5. Host a dinner party
6. Weekend in Vegas with no kids
7. Find the perfect Little Black Dress
8. Write Emery a family history: with stories and family tree
9. Take a dance class (not at the gym, a real dance class)
10. Go on a hot air balloon ride
11. Hold a snake (in the interest of conquering my fear)
12. Get a second tattoo
13. Have an “in the moment” non-studio photo session with my family
14. Sing on stage (karaoke counts)
15. Make something from scratch (food)
16. Get back to my college weight
17. Begin my Master’s Degree
18. Run, not walk a 5K
19. Watch my favorite movies on the same day: Dirty Dancing, Grease, A Walk To Remember, and Marley and Me.
20. Host a holiday dinner
21. Take a walk in the rain
22. Observe Lent as a non-catholic
23. Take a jumping picture, just for fun.
24. Write more letters to friends, not emails.
25. Go wine tasting
26. Take a scuba lesson
27. Share a kiss under the Eiffel tower
28. Be debt free for at least 1 month (not including a MORTGAGE)
29. Get a passport
30. Take my grandma dotzie’s ashes back to Wyoming!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

we love summer.

I don't know if anyone else is sick of the june glooom, but I'm ready for a little summer! It is july and I'm still wearing a sweater to the officer!!! It's nuts! I'm dying for a little sun so I can take my girl to the beach! She loves the ocean and thinks she is part fish, but we would have to wear coats just to get near the
On a lighter note, we are just a few days after our family 4th of july celebration! I happen to love the forth and celebration our Nation's freedom, with family, friends, and good food! OH, and of course, FIREWORKS! I returned from my Orlando trip mid day on Sunday, so it didn't leave much prep time for the day. We ended up going to my mom's for a bbq, then off to the LB Aquarium with the whole family (The 3 of us, sister & madison, grandma, mom, and ed)... it was quite the group, but the girls had a fabulous time looking at the fishies. Emery was so funny...she would look at the fish, then me and back and forth again, as to say, "Mom, do you see what I see?" Then would rejoice, "FISHIES!" It was soo cute! Her outfit was adorable and she loved the fireworks... there were plenty of "ooohhh and ahhhhhs" to go around. What we didn't love was it taking nearly 2 hours to get out of the structure and to get home. DEAR CITY OF LONG BEACH: YOU REALLY SCREWED US ON THAT ONE!
My trip to Orlando was not as relaxing as I had hoped, but it was just as fun. It was wonderful to spend time with some of my favorite DDD sisters and to meet a few new ones... I will never look at chicken the same again, nor will I be able to hear the "Carmen San Diego" song again without a serious chuckle. I'm already looking forward to Tucson in two years!
The rest of our summer is filled with mommy play dates, the OC fair, and a trip in August to a water park for little kids.
Motherhood truly amazes me every day. Emery is working on potty training, talking so much more, getting more sassy and is really starting to act like me... which worries me. haha.
I've included a few recent and fun photos!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer has consumed us.

Well, I am fresh off of one of the busiest weekends in a long time! Emery is sleeping through the night now, unless she spends 4 hours screaming her head off. You kinda never know what you're going to get, but it will be one of the two. Needless to say, I'm exhausted...and confused. This past weekend we spend most of our time with cousin Madison. Emery and Madison are two peas in a pod. Madison loves her "baby" soooo much. And Emery loves her, from a distance. Should Madison hug or kiss jsut a little to long, Emery is sure to make sure that she, and the entire house know that she has had enough love. But, at the end of the day, when we sleep over and its time for bed...the girls are sure to be in bed together jumping up and down and desperatly trying to convince us they are old enough for a slumber party. Not quite yet ladies, but soon enough. We promise that there is a lifetime of Madison/Emery sleepovers in your future. I love seeing the two of them together, it truly warms my heart.
I also got to be a 13 year old girl this weekend. My sister and I attended the Backstreet Boys concert. Can I just tell you that it was AHHHHHH-mazing. I dancing like a crazy fool, singing every word to every song. Yes, I was and still am that girl. But, there songs got me through middle school, high school...and most of college. Most songs have a major life event attached to them that makes me smile. I can still remember the very first time I heard one of their songs. I was 12. It was Quit Playing Games with My Heart...and I fell in love. It has been a love affair of 13 years. And I met one of my best friends, Bri because of it. We often tell people we were "penpals" but the truth is we met in a BSB chat room on aol. The rest is a history of Felicity style voice tapes, letters, cards, photos, gifts, then trips to visits, meeting our husbands, weddings, and now babies. She is probably my oldest friend I love her to death!
Our weekend also consisted of swim lessons and the Long Beach Buyou Festival. Emery loved the water, but hated being held that long. She is fiercely independant. She also loved being a dancing queen with Madison at the Buyou Festival. Wow, those girls love to dance. It is so cute to watch.
This week I am off to Florida for FIVE NIGHTS of no crying baby, lots of pool time, and even more time with hundreds of Tri Deltas. I am attending our National Convention and I am sooo excited. Emery is home with Jason for some much needed Daddy time. And I am off for some much more needed me time. I can't wait to share is so much sisterhood, sun, and shopping!


Monday, June 14, 2010

I swear Emery has the busiest social calendar of any 15 month old I have ever met. This past weekend was nuts! Friday, Emery and I went to the beach with my mom group. Saturday was cousin Madison's 2nd birthday party at the art studio and Sunday we went to Disneyland. Whoa.
Emery is a nut for the water. She sees the oceans and runs for it like a crazy little beast! It is too cute! We have been doing a lot of really fun things with my mom group. It is so fun to have a variety of different activities, moms and kids to hang out with at least once a week! Plus, we do "mom only" fun stuff too! Which is even better!
I think I've discovered Emery's secret talent. Painting. Seriously, she saw the paint and the paper was went to work. She painted Jason and I a beautiful picture that I will be framing to put in my house. She loved it so much she decided to paint her Madison's birthday party was at Avery Boo Children's Art Studio in Bixby Knolls (in LB). It was honestly the most fun place ever. They had all kinds of things for the kids to do, in addition to painting. I have every intention of going back. I highly reccomend it. The kids ran around like little monsters playing for 2 hours and were not all that eager to leave. Madison got a ton of fabulous elmo gifts.... that is what is "in" for the kids right now. Elmo. You hand emery a mickey doll, she says elmo...she see a character on TV, she says elmo... well, really it's more of a "Mel-mo" but you get the idea.

Her language has really picked up. She says so many fun things now. Cheese. Shoes. Working on please. Elmo, of course...eyes. mommy (not just mama), daddy, doggie, kitty, done, yes, no... and some others...Right now her favorite is doggie and elmo. It goes in rotation really. She hadn't said eyes for about 2 weeks, then this weekend, she walked right up to me, pointed to my eye and said eye... funny how that works.

In just a couple of weeks I am leaving my girl for FIVE DAYS. I'm going to Orlando to attend the bi-annual convention for Tri Delta. I'm an advisor for my chapter and I am thrilled to be attending with the 3 collegiate women. However, leaving my girl for 5 days truly breaks my heart. Jason will be home with her, but mommy is always better. I've never been away that long.... we'll see who ends up more upset about it all, me or her... Needless to say, I'm taking at least one framed photo of my girl with me. Maybe one of her blankets too...

Summer is really upon us and we have a lot of fun adventures to share. Here's hoping you can keep up!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

summer is finally here!

I must apologize for not having any new photos of my girl to share with you. We have been so busy lately that either we always forget the camara or I haven't had a chance to upload the pictures yet.
Summer 2010 is already going to shape up to an amazing summer, and it just kicked off. We spent our memorial day busy as ever with dog beach, the swap meet, and a mom group play date. I was able to take some time out for a bridal shower and a girls movie night, while emery had some quality time with her daddy! This weekend another bridal shower, while Jason takes emery to a birthday pool party. Our summer is full with family photos, concerts, mommy group play dates, the Ojai water park with my sister... the river for labor day, and probably a lot more that I am forgetting.
I am so excited that we book our tickets to go to Nashville to visit our very dear friends, the Klahn's! They are expecting a little girl in July, Delaney. We can not wait to meet her! Emery is thrilled to meet her new best friend! Brienn and I have been friends for...gosh, like 13 years. We made it through high school and college together (but 1500 miles apart), got engaged and married within a year of eachother, and how we have little girls together. They are destin for a lifetime friendship together. We are so excited!
In just a few weeks, I'll be leaving emery overnight for the first time! I am going to Tri Delta convention in Orlando, FL on a redeye flight. She is staying the night with my Grandma, mom and sister and Jason will come home the next day. I have to admit that leaving her for 5 days truly breaks my heart. I'm thrilled to be spending so many days with my friends and Tri Delta sisters, but my girl needs me. I'm her mommy. ahhh.
I think this spring has provided me a lot of time to realize how lucky I am. I have the most wonderful husband and daughter. My family is more supportive than I could ever ask for. They watch emery all the time, showering her with love when I need to run errands or just get away. I have friends that are more family than "friend" They love my daugther and listen without judgement to the problems of the day. I get more excited to continue to share my life with those around me. And share Emery with people who love her, and she loves in return.
I lost my grandmother this spring. She was such an amazing and compassionate women. It was a wonderful reminder to thank those around you that provide support and make sure they know you love them. I miss my grandma every day. But, I know that she knew what she meant. We shared a birthday and an amazing connection. I'm so happy that she got to see emery born, crawl, walk and talk. She loved my little girl. Emery meant the world to her....


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It seems everyday Emery is learning something new. A new word, a new way to be sassy, a new way to play with her toys. I am so amazed how quickly she is picking things up. It's really fun to be able to communicate with her now. I ask her if she's hungry, she'll actually say yes or no. Same with thirsty, tired, and several other things. I love it! The past month has been filled with so much fun! Mother's Day was wonderful. Celebrating with all of my favorite people and getting to take another 4 generation photo of my Grandma, mom, me and Emery. The last one was just minutes after I gave birth, and needless to say I look TERRIBLE. This one is much better! Emery and I have gone to the farm with my mom group. We took a family mini vaca to Phoenix to see my cousin and celebrate her son's birthday! Jacob is three! And, I got to have a Glen Ivy spa day with some of my best friends. This spring has been so wonderful to our family!
With each passing month I feel more thankful for my amazing husband, daughter, friends and family. It seems so many friends from my life are now getting married and having babies (I swear I know like 15 pregnant women)... I am so happy to be able to share in their happiness, knowing what amazing things are in store for them.
Not sure if I shared before... but, I was recently accepted into a master's program at CSULB, but came to the decision that it just wasn't the right time. I will be granted priority admission for fall 2011. It was a program designed for learning to work with higher education students, something I love. But, being emery's mom is my priority, so this goes on the back burner for now. And, I'm at peace with the decision.
June will be just as busy, we have a birthday party, I have bridal showers, concerts, more mom group events... and at the end of the month I'll be going to Orlando for Tri Delta convention! I am so excited to share in nearly 4 days of sisterhood with hundreds of collegiate and alumnae women.

I'm truly the luckiest woman in the world. I love my life.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Catch up.

so, clearly I have been SLACKING on the blogging, as Bri so kindly reminded me. Thanks girl. But, I'm a busy mom, what do you want from me? The past two months have brought so many fabulous adventures for our family. We have been spending time at Disneyland, went to the beach, the park... and most recently, Tanaka Farms in Irvine. See pictures above. We were able to take a tractor ride around the farm and then pick OUR OWN STRAWBERRIES! Right off the plant! It was amazing, we had so much fun! Jennifer, Madison and my Grandma went with us and it was a beautiful day! The kids loved it and so did we. The strawberries were seriously the best I've ever had.
Also, I was accepted into Grad School at CSULB for Student Development in Higher Education. I have decided to unofficialy defer for a year. By then, hopefully we'll be much closer to having Jason home again! He got a PERFECT score on his oral interview and has turned in his background check paperwork for the CHP. Please think positive thoughts on it going very quickly!
Life is amazing! However, I did have a devestating loss almost two weeks ago. My grandma dotzie (my dad's mom) passed away. She was 87 and amazing. She has been sick and in pain for many years and now she is finally pain-free and free from the problems that she experienced in life. It is a blessing for her. She will truly be missed. What amazing woman. And thank you to all of the thoughts and prayers from my amazing friends. I'm a lucky girl.


Monday, March 15, 2010

We survived!

Can you believe that we actually survived our first year as parents? I know I certainly can't! Emery turned one on March 9th and we couldn't not be more in love with our little girl! To celebrate this major event, we hosted a tutu party for Emery and her friends. Below, you'll see most of her friends with the girls in their best tutu! It truly was "tutu" fun! We had all of our friends, family and loved ones there. Basically everyone we love, and who loves our little girl! I am so thankful to have such amazing people in our lives! Emery is becoming such a little girl, rather than a baby. She loves to be a helper, especially with laundry, as you can see below. She is willful, snuggly, kind, happy, and just amazing! And major accomplishment for me! I finished her first year scrapbook, on the day of her party! The the end I was so sick of that thing, but I am truly happy that I did it for her. Someday, she'll look back on her first year and appreciate all of my hard work, and paper cuts. From here on out, I will make a photobook online!

In other news, I am one step closer to grad school! I have my group interview on Thursday! If you didn't know, I applied to a Master's program at CSULB, Student Development in Higher Education. I have a lot of great experience working with students and I am very passioante about this program. However, it is nearly impossible to get in. So, I am positively optomistic. Wish me luck on Thurday at 3pm. Jason and I have pretty much just been enjoying our weekends together... Spending time with as many friends and family as possible. He is in the application and testing process for the CHP and has the physical fitness test on Saturday... so wish him luck then.

I do have to say that it must be baby making season. I did the math and I know NINE pregnant people. Please stay away from me, do not cough near me, or try to share a drink. I am not interested in catching that right now. But, I am thrilled for them, as they are all women that have been apart of my life through our childhood, school, or Tri Delta! Motherhood is the most amazing gift!
A special shout out to one dear pregnant friend, Bri! She is my oldest friend and "penpal" and is expecting a little girl, Delaney this summer! I admire her ability to be pregnant in July, in Tennessee.... I would move out of state! Jason and I are so excited to spend time with them this fall on a joint family vacation so Emery can meet her future BFF! The Klahn's are some of our favorite friends and we simply don't get to see them enough!

Have I shared enough? I hope so!

Thank you for so many kind thoughts and words! Jason and I are truly so lucky to have so much love in our life!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Emery is one, and we survived.

Well, we are just two weeks away from my little girl turning 1. Who can believe it?! This time last year I was crying daily because I couldn't sleep, was nesting like crazy, finishing up my last few days at St. Jude, and waddling...full time. It's hard to believe that in one year my little girl has gone from 8 pounds to 23, and grown 9 1/2 inches. She amazes me daily with how quickly she learns and how sassy she is, already. Jason and I are really in for it. She loves books, our dogs, clothes, eating, and being tickled by daddy. She is strong willed and compassionate. She is the best of Jason and I and we are so thankful that she is ours. She loves her cousin and friends as well as her aunts, and grandparents. There has never been a little girl more loved, and boy does she know it. This has been the most exhausting and rewarding year of my life. I can not wait to celebrate her first birthday with Tutus and all those that we love. Holy cow, I'm the mommy of a one year old....
And just a few of our favorite photos from the photo sesh... they are also all posted on my facebook.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our little walker

So, Emery has started taking steps on a pretty regular basis this weekend. She just sees a toy several feet away, and takes off from whatever she is holding to get it! And everytime, she gets excited. She is trying to stand up from the ground too, but does more face planting into the carpet than anything... Any day now we will be in full-time walking mode! She's not even 11 months! So exciting! Here is a video with proof of her success! PS isn't her play area fabulous! xoxo

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Emery Update

So, I feel I have not done my blog accurate justice by not updating on some of Emery's most recent accomplishments and activities...
She has been saying Mama and Dada to the right parent for nearly 2 months, three times has taken steps on her own, stood on top of her choo choo train with the help of the safety gate, knows the sign language for "all done," however she does it mostly in the middle of eating a veggie... so I ignore it and keep going, sometimes she waves bye bye.. even when you're clearly not leaving the room...
Emery has mastered using Jackson (our labrador) as a mountain with her as the moutain goat... he loves it though, and she is using her choo choo to scamper all over the house, she can turn it, back it up and go a different direction. All of this while chatting up a storm saying who knows what to who knows who... She is a wiggling beast that laughs and giggles all the time. Emery has been on the merry go round holding on all by herself, like a big girl. She LOVED IT! And of course we took the pictures to prove it, which are in a previous post (she's on a dolphin)!
If a toy makes noice or plays music she LOVES it as though it were a pot of gold. And the opportunity to push the button 100,000 times per hour is just all too exciting, especially while her parents are trying to have a conversation or watch TV... But she cracks us up! And we are so thankful to have her! So there you have it, she's on her way to walking, talking, and driving her parents crazy, like any little girl!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Christmas to Remember...

Well, this year was Emery's first Christmas... out of my belly. We have had a fabulous past few weeks, birthday parties, visits from family, and a lot of anticipation for celebrating Christmas... Emery met Santa at the beginning of December, it did NOT go well. But we also went to the Belmont Shore Christmas Parade, had emery free evenings at a few holiday parties, and put up our first regular size Christmas tree! We had to put a fence around it because Emery likes to unwrap presents... She still managed to get her hands through and unwrap a few...
The Wednesday before Christmas, Emery came down with a slight fever, which over night turned into a bad fever and by Christmas Eve evening, it had gotten up to 102.5. We stripped her down to her diaper, took her home and stuck her in a cool bath. Unfortunately, that didn't help and it went up even more. In a matter of minutes it went up to 103.5 and she had a fever induced seizure. It appeared that she had stopped breathing and we called 911. They were there so quickly and we were taken to our local Memorial Hospital. Apparently, when you have a seizure you hold your breathe, but I am glad we called. It took a few hours, but her fever broke and we were able to make it home before Christmas. It was the scariest thing to ever happen, but I am so thankful for my family and their quick response of support. Emery was a grouch for a few days, but did LOVE opening her presents with her cousin, Madison. They sure do love each other. Emery is back to her sassy self and we have never been more thankful for her! I can't believe my little girl is nearly 10 months old.... where does the time go?
Stay tuned as I begin to plan her first birthday! Tutus and tiaras here we come!