Friday, June 1, 2012


We are home from the hospital and resting on the couch watching Elmo. Both doggies are so happy becuase E requested they keep her company on the couch.

The surgery went just as expected. I had just enough time to get some food from the cafeteria and eat... and update the family with the news that she was in surgery.

They gave her medicine so she won't remember anything. I asked for some too, because the image of her crying for me why we held her down to gas her to sleep will stay with me forever.

In the waiting room, I saw so many families and I couldn't help but wonder... were they like me and this was the first time they had to sit here and wait? Or, was this something regular for their family? Did they spend more time at the hospital than the playground?

That realization made me feel a bit foolish for being such a nervous wreck about a minor surgery. I have so much to be thankful for. My girl is healthy and perfect. All the nurses commented on how healthy and smart she was. I am so lucky.

Just getting into the hospital gown. Still a little sleepy, such an early morning!

Tiger got to stay with her to keep her safe in surgery...

She's awake! In recovery just waking up. How stunning does she look? I had never been more happy to see her awake and sassy than this moment.

Being such a trooper with a giant IV in her hand.

I guess this is one of the perks of having your surgery at the #5 ranks Children's Hospital in the country. So thankful that we had such a great team to take care of E.

Today was a real lesson in patience and dealing with my anxiety. Driving home I became really overhwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with my ability to love this tiny person.

Who knew that this amount of love and devotion was possible?
I sure didn't.

I'm so thankful for her health and happiness.
And that we get to come home and watch Elmo on our couch.
And that we have the most amazing love and support from our friends and family.

Thank you for the calls, texts, messages on FB, and prayers.
We are so lucky....

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