Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday's T&B

So, I don't have a whole blog worth of anything to say on any given topic. But, I do have a little bit to say on a handful of things... so, I'm creating a Tuesday Tid-bits.


I got up way too early over the weekend and was watching a Luke Bryan Spring Break Special about the special spring break EP he puts out each March and I learned two things. (It was early and he is so beautiful it made being up that early a bit easier.)......

1. I love LB even more because of his sorority girls song that mentions DDD. Love.
2. I'm a little heartbroken because I learned that our love may never be. You see, he's married. Yes, I know I'm married too, but I always knew that should Luke Bryan descend on our home and proclaim his love for me, Jason would graciously understand and not get in the way. But now, I've got this TOTALLY ADORABLE Mrs. Luke Bryan to deal with. ugh. (please note that I am totally not crazy and am very happily married, but, heck, a girl can dream, right?). Oh, and as a final betrayal, he has an also really adorable son. ajrkle;ajfkldjagkl;sdhgjk;ashdkl;ajfkls;ajfklsdhgjlashdl. That's how I feel about that.....

Yes please!
In just 4 days, E will be FOUR! I am in full party planning mode and really excited about how the "flower party" is turning out. I was given no instruction from my very particular client (she stands about 43 inches tall and loves Fancy Nancy). But, despite my party planning free styling, I'm really excited for party day! In a related note, we got her birthday pictures taken yesterday and I'm dying over how cute they are. Here's a sneak peak, be jealous of my adorable tiny human:

And, finally, wanted to share something that I'm DYING over and desperately need in my home for both CA and TN.

You can purchase this for me in teal here.

 Who knows, maybe I'll keep up Tuesday Tid & Bits as often as Monday Mom Moment.... What do you think? And, please tell me you're as heart broken over LB's marriage as I am (ps they were married in like 2006, how did I miss this?!)

1 comment:

  1. LB kind of looks like Adam Sandler in the photo above. ;)
    I am totally loving that CA wood piece.
