Friday, March 1, 2013

Coffee Date

It's been a while since I linked up with Rags to Stitches for a Friday coffee date. Our family has been so busy regular blogging in general has gone to the bottom of the "to do" list most days. Which is a shame since it is something I really do enjoy....

If we were to have coffee today, I'd tell you I'm exhausted. Jason traveled for 3 days this week leaving E and I to hold down the fort. Single parenting, even for a few days, is exhausting. Throw in our 3 pets and 1 foster dog and it's even harder.

If we were to have coffee today, I'd tell you that I didn't get a full nights sleep all week because of our dog, Ginger. She is having some serious tummy issues. She needs to go out to poo at least once, usually twice a night right now. I try crating her and she just parks until I take her out. And, Manny cat has decided that he wants to purr like a motor boat and try to sleep on my face. Our pets lose their minds when Jason travels. Instead of a blissful situation of our bed all to myself, I end up with E, two 75 pound dogs and a bed hog of a cat in the bed. It's awful for me, amazing for my little herd.

If we were to have coffee today, I'd tell you that another side effect of Jason traveling is that I basically forget how to cook. The only dishes in my sink right now are coffee cups and a knife from making myself a PB&J for lunch today. I've had just one fresh veggie in days. I feel like a college student well on her way to gaining the freshman 15. Let me assure you that my tummy and waist line are PISSED. But, Jason returns tonight. I've decided he packs my domestic skills and my self respect in his suitcase when he leaves.

On a more positive note, if we were to have coffee today, I'd tell you that E has been the most amazing little girl while Daddy was gone. She is always initially excited for him to go, only because that means she gets to sleep with me. But 24 hours in she is crying for him to return. But, this week, while she was really sad and missing Daddy, she listened so good and was a big helper by getting herself dressed every morning. It looked a little something like this....

This coming week is very exciting for us! My mom, grandma and niece are flying to visit for E's birthday party. A trip to the American Girl store is on the calendar and I think I'm the most excited one of the group! Hard to believe that we are just over a week away from having a 4 year old in the house. Where does the time go? Apparently for me, it's not to cooking, cleaning, or doing laundry if the husband is away.... I basically live like a frat boy... I know you're jealous.


  1. lol... I'm definitely jealous! wow, 4 years old... My son will be ther in April, it really goes by fast. Have fun with your family flying in. stopping by from the linkup :)

  2. I'm totally going to have to link up next time! Hope you had a great weekend! xo
