Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Mom Moment

Lots of bloggers have regular topics that they talk about each week... "what I wore wednesday" "menu plan monday" etc. I don't really thing those are for me, but I am loving the idea of a Monday Mom Moment. The rest of the week will certainly include moments of motherhood, but it will be an opportunity to take a few of my favorite humorous moments and share them all at once... the emery-isms and other funny things that being a mommy brings to my life.

A conversation with a 3 year old:

E: Mommy, can I get one of those toys? (pointing at a mid-mall vendor cart)
Me: Maybe another day.
E: But Mommy, I never get anything!!
Me: E, you JUST got two new headbands!
E: But Mommy, I never get any toys, I have nothing to play with!
Me: You have a whole house full of toys you never play with...
E: But Mommy, I don't have one of those toys...
Me: Oh my....

When Jason travels, this is the sweet face that I get to wake up to. Doesn't get much better than this....

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